A Fertőd-Celldömölk-Hévíz-Keszthely túraútvonal alacsony forgalmú, burkolt utakon, néhol burkolatlan földutakon vezet 130 km hosszan, meseszép tájakon.
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Joó-tó nyitvatartása
A tó minden nap 08:00 órától 16:00 óráig tart nyitva.
Hírek / Aktuális információk
A Kemenes Vulkán Park nyitvatartása
A látogatóközpont nyitása 2024. március 15-én, 10:00-18:00 óráig újra várja az érdekődőket!
Positive energies surging from the breakpoint of the Earth make a beneficial impact on us. Humans have been able to feel these energies , at various points and places since the very early times and have held these spots in due respect.
Hiking on Mount Ság:
Similarly to the Attila Hill in Tápiószentmárton, Mount Ság is also claimed to be generating such positive energies. All you need to do is spend a few hours at the energy zones, take a leisurely walk in the crater, or do some hiking on the ridges, and you will feel the beneficial effects after a while
Do you feel like talking a walk on Mount Ság?
A Volcano Park organises tours from spring till late autumn.
Geology tours:
Hikes are led by expert volcanologists that help visitors familiarise with the geology and history of the butte. They will learn how the various layers evolved during a large explosion or due to a gentler lava fountain, and will also be enlightened why the volcanoes of the surrounding area are referred to as buttes.
Nature hikes and tours:
The area of the mount boasts much warmer and drier climate than that of plains and it is therefore an isle of unique flora and fauna. Its characteristic plants include the wintergrass, the pheasant’s eye, the Great Pasque Flower, the burning bush and different ornamental grasses and during the nature tours you can see all of them.
Mary’s Pilgrimage Route is part of the international cultural pilgrimage and tourist route whose east-west axis stretches between Mariazell (Austria) and Sumuleu Ciuc (Romania) covering a total of 1,400 km. It can be completed in 60 days on foot.
Its station in the Western and Central Transdanubian region (220 km) include:
Kőszeg, Bük, Csepreg, Sárvár, Csénye, Celldömölk, Mihályháza, Attyapuszta, Bakonybél, Zirc.
Celldömölk: Kis-máriacelli búcsújáróhely
In the first half of the 18th century Abbot Odó Koptik had a copy made of the statue and put it on display in the small chapel built adjacent to the Benedictine Abbey in Dömölk. The repeated miracles attracted thousands of pilgrims. Between 1746 and 1748 they built a Baroque shrine following the design of the one in Mariazell. It has 14 altars, a pulpit, a baptismal font, several crosses and silver candlesticks all contributing to a special atmosphere. The treasury set up in the church exhibits the treasures of several centuries. Open to visitors upon prior booking Tel: +3695/420 135
The façade of the former Benedictine Abbey, standing adjacent to the church, boasts a Statue of Mary and near there is a well also named after Virgin Mary. In the vicinity, there is a Holy Trinity column, with St Stephen, St Paul the Hermit, St John of Nepomuk and St Florian standing on its pedestal. Not far is the Calvary church constructed in 1755 which completed the place of pilgrimage.
The ruins of the mediaeval Benedictine Abbey and the remains of the frescos in the church chancel (at the end of Odó Koptik Street) are still there for tourists to see.
The major celebrations take place in Celldömölk on the Saturday and Sunday before 12 September, Mary’s nameday.
Volcano hikes (on foot)
Completing the Volcano Tour entails visiting three buttes in Vas County: Kissomlyó, the mountain Ság, and Belső (Inner) Mountain, situated between Vásárosmiske and Sitke.
From the the railway station in Jánosháza,we follow the road waymarked with yellow. When reaching the concrete road between Kemenespálfa and Kissomlyó we continue our way to the north-west, now among farmlands. When we reach the woodland,we can keep on walking on a much better road. We walk in the forest until we reach a road leading to Egyházashetye and waymarked with yellow +, which will branch from the yellow line (we must pay careful attention to the blazes!). Two routes, the yellow + and the blue ■ will take us to the village of Kissomlyó. We will reach the village near the Catholic parish church and the cemetery, and the trail (now marked with yellow-) will take us up the Kissomlyó Hill. Here we will also have signs to help us. From Királykő we will descend on the hill’s northwest side, where Borgátafürdő is. For a while we stay on the trail waymarked with yellow –, and then follow the blue ■. We keep on walking on the trail running along the periphery of Borgáta-fürdő until we reach the road leading to Egyházashetye.
Egyházashetye, Egyházashetye it is worth taking a look at the birthplace of poet Daniel Berzsenyi, the oldest and most renowned memorial museum in Vas County devoted to a literary figure. From Egyházashetye we keep on walking on the road towards Boba (Csögle) marked with a yellow line. After walking by Bekeny-pusztawe turn left into the woods and walk on forest footpaths (expect for a short section among fields) until we reach the Kodó Brook. Crossing the brook on a bridge we shorty arrive in Bokod-puszta. From here, we walk on a concrete road to Alsóság which is part of the town called Celldömölk. If we leave the road and turn northwest, we first go past fields and vineyard as we ascend Mount Ság. At the upper part of the vineyards we come to a junction: here we must follow the yellow line and go around the crater, pass by the Mount Ság Museum and walk to Celldömölk. It is the road marked with a yellow ▲ sign that takes us up to the Trianon Memorial Cross.
If we complete the walk in two sections, we can stop here to rest. It might be a good idea to walk down the steps near the cross (leading to the parking lot) and go along the botanical path introducing the bird-life of the hill. Not far from this spot you can find a place called Krisztina Csarda where you can have home-made dishes and home-made wine. About a 100 metres from the parking lot, at the foot of the hill is the station for local buses, but we may as well choose to walk to Celldömölk, but it will take roughly an hour on the concrete road.
Before we do that, we should walk around the crater and look at the geological path and the Ság Volcano path that runs parallel. To continue our journey it is best to follow the same trail from the cross (yellow -) and return to the junction at the side of the vineyards, where we keep walking on yellow + until we reach Mesteri, located at the foot of the hill in the West. Our waymarked road will take us to the listed church dating back to the age of the Árpáds. Another road from the vicinity of the church, which has no blaze or waymark, will take us south-southwest, to a little chapel at Belső-hegy. The three hills (Belső-hegy, Pet-hegy and Külső-hegy) situated between Vásárosmiske and Sitke make up the fully eroded edge of a former volcano. After the chapel we must turn right and turn north walking past the Külső-hegy We cross the Cinca Brook and walk among fields until we reach the village of Sitke. We may as well finish our journey here, but it might be worth climbing the little vine-hill (Kis-hegy) and walk as far as Nagysimonyi.From atop the Kis-hegy there is a magnificent view of the Kemenesalja region, the whole area which we have just explored.
Biking tours:
1. Route: Celldömölk, Dr. Géfin Lajos Square – Koptik Odó u. (with a 13th century ruin church at the end of the street) - Pórdömölk u. –
Kolozsvár u. - Sándor-háza dűlő (near Mount Ság) – Mesteri (church dating back to the age of the Árpáds, and spa)
– Kemeneskápolna – Bokodpuszta – Kemenes Volcano Park – Celldömölk
Distance to cover: 21 KM, level difference 46 metres.
The route takes hikers to a beautiful natural environment. They walk around Mount Ságon asphalt roads and dirt roads with very light traffic. Level of difficulty: beginner, intermediate. We recommend the tour for families with beginner bikers; it will be an easy journey.
2. Route: Celldömölk, Dr.Géfin Lajos Square – Koptik Odó u. (with a 13th century ruin church at the end of the street) – Pórdömölk u. –
Kolozsvár u. –Sándor-háza dűlő (near Mount Ság) – Mesteri (church dating back to the age of the Árpáds, and spa)
– turning on to the Mary’s Pilgrimage Route, – Belső-hegy, Külső-hegy (crossing Cinca Brook) –
Sitke,József A. u. – visiting the chapel standing atop Hercseg Hill (leaving Mary’s Pilgrimage Route) – Hegyalja u. -
Gérce – Vásárosmiske – Kemeneskápolna – Bokodpuszta – Kemenes Volcano Park - Celldömölk
Distance to cover: 36,5 km, difference in level:123 metres.
Route: From Mesteri to Sitke we follow the Mary’s Pilgrimage Route. Beautiful environment. Asphalt road, pretty good quality, light traffic.
3. Route: Celldömölk, Dr.Géfin Lajos Square – Koptik Odó u. (with a 13th century ruin church at the end of the street) – Pórdömölk u. –
Kolozsvár u. –Sándor-háza dűlő (near Mount Ság) – Mesteri (church dating back to the age of the Árpáds, and spa
– turning on to the Mary’s Pilgrimage Route – Belső-hegy, Külső-hegy (crossing Cinca Brook) –
Sitke, onstreet back to Ady Street, turn left, keep walking on Road 834 for about 800m then turn left onto a dirt road (closed with a barrier) into the woods. You will continue your walk in a Natura 2000 landscape protection area where the queen’s candle (the magnificent white asphodel) grows (and blooms in May). We kep walking to the right towards the village of Ostffyasszonyfa, near the Pannonia Ring, along Kossuth Street in the village and a sign will tell us where to turn right to the direction of Kemenesmihályfa, then to Celldömölk.
Distance to cover: 36,6 km, difference in level ~ 137 m